HACT Event at Hobs Studio London: Housing, design and new technology
Our first event at the new London studio was a great success! The event was attended by 40-50 people mainly housing providers – developers and investors as well as architects and urban design specialists.
We wanted to have engaging conversations about how innovative design processes or 3D technologies could help transform development within housing providers so that residents can have input into the design of the built environment.
The evening kicked off with a plenary session with a panel chaired by Matt Leach, CEO of HACT. Panelists included:
- Michelle Greeff, Director 3D Technologies – Hobs Studio
- Maja Luna Jorgenson, Strategic Projects Manager The Glass House Community Lead Design
- Neal Hunt, Director of Development, Poplar HARCA
- Colin Muir, Architect
Michelle explained how new technologies such as 3D printing and cutting edge 3D visualisation such as augmented and virtual reality can engage residents, especially the younger generation in the development process of the project.
Maya explained the positives of engaging their communities into the design process and both Neil and Colin confirmed that a technology design led approach would be beneficial for the development and design process.
Following on from the panel discussion we had a tour of the studio showing off our new technologies – stereolithography and colour 3D printers. Most visitors were amazed and intrigued by the augmented and virtual reality demo’s.